
By: Gabbe Yoder

Going into this concert I was skeptical of what to expect. I haven't heard much new music from them in a few years. And quite frankly, i lost touch with their music and haven't kept up with even listening to their old stuff. 

I've also never heard of the opener, Weathers, before this show. Walking in I heard a lot of hype from the crowd about them and how excited they were for them. Super high energy the entire set. I don't think there was a moment where any of the band stayed still and didn't interact with the crowd. Their music was meant to make people feel normal about their mental illnesses. 

When Echosmith went on stage, I remembered why I was always a fan of them before. They're so down to earth and so grateful for where they are. Their bond as a family is what makes them so unique as a band. They brought their dad on stage to sing a song they wrote as an entire family. Which to me, just shows how special their bond is. They also preach about self acceptance and how its okay to feel like you don't fit in. Society standards of fitting in aren't real, and it's okay to not look like you just stepped out of a magazine. They gave that message through their music and through talking to the crowd in-between songs. 

After the show was over, I give any band of that volume so much credit for staying out after their shows to meet and talk to every single person in the crowd. And for them, it wasn't a take your picture and leave situation. They really wanted to get to know their fans and hold genuine conversations.

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